Sunday, July 30, 2006

Why Languish in the Shadow of An Ideal We Cannot Personify ? Be You And Only You.

"Die flagge basiert auf dem humanistischen grundgedanken von frieden und einheit aller volker . Sie ist eine auseinandersetzung mit dem erbe aller deutschen generationen nach dem 2 weltkrieg"

"Those fly a flag based on the human basic idea of peace and unity of all people. It is an argument which all German generations after the 2nd World War inherit."

If anybody got a better translation, let me know.

Found this on the Berlin Wall, East Side Gallery


Bissa said...

from seeing this grafitii i bet it's bullshit, man.

!nsanity said...

I'm not judging anything here, but you can see the writing in german on the right side of the pic. They had some stuff written in English on the left side, though I didn't catch that.

!nsanity said...

jackie o : ok so......i REALLY REALLY can't see whats so funny here =s maybe a lil clue plz ?

discarded : it was the SHIT. Best. Vacation. Ever

!nsanity said...

filmgirl : i was rootin fr them germans ALL THE WAYY. imagine how hot the party wouldve been if tthey actually won. WOW.

jackie: all right !! more power to ya, fellow pothead !!