Speak for yourself honey.

Awww, isn't that cute ?

Am I the only person to find this extremely funny ?

Sucks to be you kid.

Ok, so how in the unicorn infested frozen over happyland hell did this happen ?!
This folks, proves that stupidness comes in all shapes and colors.
Notice the lollypop.

Whoa. Like seriously WHOA.

Engrish at it's very best ladies and gentleman.
that burger is najla's she'll kill u if she knows u stole it :P plus i have to agree those elmos r HOT (and not in a paris hilton kind of way :P)
the best one was the kid who got stuck ..how stupid do u have to b to get stuck like that ...and lollipop kaman? looooooooool
funny pix loved the elmoes ..keep it up buddy
najla ? whozzat bella ?
"...At least with pills and coke you're out and about doing something..."
Lmao. Wouldnt it be cool if all parents thought like that? (not).
What happened to that kid happened to me once (pigeon). 8I thankfully I was wearing a scarf.
aaaaaahhhh :S:S:S:S the hamburger is disgusting!! But yeah, the sign is funny!
Yeah thats mu burger ! I'm gonna sue u :p
oh hey najla =D q : how the HELL could you get one two three four...EIGHT patties on ONE burger ?! you gotta teach me girl !!
My cousin ate that :p~
it was a bet ;p
loooooool eee najo0ol yumma ur cuzin ba6al mshalah how could he eat all that spit spit mshalah 3alay loool
I came to your blog by Farooha and I'll come back often!
Very good blog, and please keek going!
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