"To Grandmother's house."
The wolf ran off and arrived first at the house. He killed the grandmother, poured her blood into a bottle and sliced her flesh onto a plate. Then he got into her nightclothes and waited in bed.
Knock knock.
"Come in my dear."
"I've brought you some bread and milk, Grandmother."
"Have something yourself, my darling. There is meat and wine in the pantry."
The little girl ate what was offered. As she did, a little cat said:
"Slut ! To eat the flesh and drink the blood of your Grandmother !"
Then the wolf said :

"Undress and get into bed with me."
"Where shall I put my skirt ?"
"Throw it on the fire; you won't need it anymore."
For each garment, petticoat, bodice and stockings, the girl asked the same question, and the wolf replied: "Throw it on the fire; you won't need it anymore."
When the girl got into bed she said:
"Grandmother...How hairy you are."
"It keeps me warmer, my dear."
"Oh Grandmother, what long nails you have."
"They are for scratching myself, my dear."
"Oh Grandmother, what big teeth you have."
"They are for eating you, my dear."
And he ate her.
ya55i =S
loved it..u amazingly changed a childhood story into a ........
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
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