Thursday, June 08, 2006

Summer is Here...

...and I'm not really feeling anything right now. It's kinda anti-climatic : the exams, the anticipation...POW !! Then nothing really. I'll admit last night was completely CRAZY in terms of fun and stuff to do.
Suggestion: Don't drive around the WHOLE city picking up your friends, who are in staggeringly different states of mind, and squeezing them in one car to take them to a party. It's just not worth it.
But now that summer is actually here, it's kinda ?
I don't think I'm going anywhere this year, so I gotta find a way to entertain myself. There is the World Cup...but 64 matches over 1 month don't exactly fill your time.
96 hours of 744 hours of a month. Lets say 8 hours of sleep every night so that's...496 - 96 = 400 hours of free time in ONE month. About 16.6 days of absolutetly nothing to do.

Anybody got any ideas ?

P.S : John Mayer is the best rocker alive. Anybody who disagrees must die. Painfully.


Black Orchid said...

mn jid i was so excited for the summer and when it really came i was like ummmm ka2anno shway 6afash!

and uhhh i kinda disagree with the John Mayer thing ((don't kill me!))yeah he does have some awesome songs but i wouldn't call him the best rocker alive!!
btw his 1st album really rocked....better than the 2nd one though=)

Leo. said...

Wallah innkom galag,,, football SUCKERS! Wj3 u even calculated the days!! Bro anything better to do then call me up in the middle of the night to ring ur driver and pick u up from the party? Yallah ,, boys will be boys,,

Btw, don’t you have to cut your hair to travel?!!

Anonymous said...

I'm engaged to John Mayer <3

!nsanity said...

Heroine : u 2 thanx

Orchid : alright then, WHO is the best rocker if not mayer ?! and ROCKER ALIVE not a band.

Leo : dude its the world cup !! its once every 4 years !! u could at least show some interest. and uhhh....5ala9 ill take you with me next party =D

Mrs Mayer : gimme some autographed cds !! w tooo9aleen bissalama =)