Saturday, June 03, 2006

Brain Fart

I hate exams. They really are worthless. I don't know how to cook. I'd love to learn though. I have lots of pics on my comp. Lots of files too. You can say i'm a packrat. I don't know why I keep them. But I just do. Whatever happened to those stupid lists they wrote about girls and guys ? I don't think I appeared in one of those. I guess that's a bad thing. Shows you how unpopular I was. But I think I got time. Damn my beard itches. I hate going to the barber. He talks WAY too much. Problem is I can't really get what he's saying. So just nod my head and laugh occasionally. Last time I went he asked for a phone. I'm thinkin WTF ?! but I told him : "Yeah ok, ummmmmm I'll check it out." That was in February. I think I'm gonna go back there. Get my end-of the-year shave. Tennis balls rock. They just do. The doctor told me I need to lose weight. So now I gotta shave off 20 kgs to be at my ideal weight. 20 kgs is kinda alot right ? I never saw snow in my life. I need to smack someone with a snowball. I read way too many books. People think I'm not "the reading type". What the crap is a reading type ?! Do I need to act like a geek and never leave home to be a reading type ?! Oh if they only knew....I love BK fries and Big Kings. Also Quarter Pounders. I know this guy who doesn't have a social life. AT ALL. Doesn't even have a TV in his house. Really. Spends all his time in the mosque f 7ala8at ta7fee'6. Now that's just wrong. He shouldn't spend ALL his time there. But he does. Allah ywafga. Family guy rocks. I think I'm going to Egypt for a wedding on Wednesday. But I don't wanna go on Wednesday !! I need to convince my pop to get us a plane ticket for Thursday morning. The wedding's Thursday evening anyways. So that's one night of REALLY hard partying then coming back here. Not bad. My jedi name is MURMO GHRIY. My sith name is DARTH MOHGHO RIYMMO. Don't ask. I'm a Mac user btw. I love football. I hope England takes the World Cup. Saudis as usual get passed around like a little bitch and leave without their honor. They really should stop going there. Sometimes I hear things. No really. Ya3ni I hear my phone ring when its not ringing. And I hear el 2athaan when there isn't one. Is that normal? I think they're should be a law where everyone has to know how play Winning Eleven. Now that would knock my socks off. I gotta get back to studying. I got physics and tafseer. I hate exams. They really are worthless.


Anonymous said...

Am confused O_o meen ga3d ygalled elthani..u or mai :\ lol elzbda I liked this thingy bro ;)

!nsanity said...

i did this 1st !!! shes i7taking =p

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