Sunday, June 11, 2006


A real good friend of mine is graduating in a couple of days, and regretfully I can't be there. So she showed me her speech, which I'm sharing with ya'll cus I think it kicks ass. Enjoy :

"Many people believe that the heart begins as a whole. They believe that when they encounter the most amazing of people or places they give a piece of their heart to it…a means to remember. I, on the other hand, feel differently. I believe the heart is broken up into millions of pieces. I believe that the world is scattered with those pieces; that they are in the hands of strangers we have yet to meet and places we have yet to encounter. With each experience, with each new found piece, we become who we are.

Look upon the faces of each person on this stage today. They are the brightest minds, the most wonderful people, the most sensitive hearts, the wittiest tongues, and each of them has held a piece of my heart. So looking amongst the thousands of words, sayings, and quotes I could not possibly find one proper way to say goodbye. To be completely honest I don’t think I can say goodbye.

Here we stand prepared to walk away from all the familiarity in our worlds: the routine of each passing high school day, the comfort of family and the reassurance of home, and all the friends who made each priceless memory precious that not even the longest goodbye can render. As I look out onto the crowd I am overwhelmed by the memories that rush in at the sight of a single familiar face. But even memories don’t know goodbyes.

Goodbye suggests the end. But even as we stand here graduating it is not an end. Bahrain, our home, our families, our friends; all things absolutely priceless. All things imprinted in our memories so that with every step that we take, we can never forget where we began.

Congratulations Class of 2006! We did it!"

Congrats Deenz !! Ya finally did it !! I'll be comin to visit you soon enough ;)

~~~ I'd also like to give a shout out to lamo0o and Ga6wa. You know who you are, and I'm the guy in the shorts =D ~~~


Anonymous said...

awwwww..MARRA 7ilo!!=)

Anonymous said...

Aw that was AMAZING