Second : Real Madrid wupped Barcelona 2-0 in Madrid.
(You can tell I'm not really a big Barca fan. In fact, I despise them. Every single blue and red one of them. Maybe it has to do with the fact that everyone I know is a fan of theirs. That leads to repeated taunts and jeers from everyone around me. But we got em good !! In a row !! Long live The Blues and Los Merengues !!!! )
Third : The operation was successful, and she's feeling ok. Doctor says she can leave next week.
Fourth : I'm back to talking to the only girl I ever cared about. We've been through a rough time, but I guess we're finally over it. The past is the past, right ?
Fifth : Today is 3eed, so all the old farts in the family will make themselves useful by giving me shitloads of money. For which I am deeply grateful for. Thank you old farts, for giving me lots of money on which I will use on useless shit that makes me feel better about myself. Your charity is much appreciated.
Sixth : I finally found me a new dealer, so all my hash shortage problems have disappeared. Woohoo !!

Seventh : I shaved my head. Again. For the 2nd time in a year. I don't know why I keep doing this to myself. I look like a retarded experimental space monkey. Imagine this guy here, but without the hair and with glasses and huge belly, and you'll get the general idea.
Eighth : I haven't studied shit yet. Nothing at all. Keep in mind I am in my senior year, which means I have to study very very much. I haven't even thought about what I want to study in college or where to apply !! I'm thinking psychiatry, but I sure as hell won't be applying here in KSU. London perhaps ?
Ninth : Two and a Half Men is THE funniest show ever. Whoever gets me the first 2 seasons will forever have my eternal gratitude.
Tenth : My wife is going to be a woman who watches, loves and appreciates football and it's little details and intricacies as much as I do. That is my #1 request in a future wife. Ash, you have a very lucky husband. Got a younger sis ?
(This was brought to mind when a cousin of mine started a conversation about who has the best striker. When I previously thought that she doesn't even know the offside rule. Suffice to say, she supprised me mightily.)
Song of the Moment
Just To Get By- Talib Kweli
"This morning, I woke up
Feeling brand new and I jumped up
Feeling my highs, and my lows
In my soul, and my goals
Just to stop smokin, and stop drinkin
And I've been thinkin - I've got my reasons
Just to get by"
Just To Get By- Talib Kweli
"This morning, I woke up
Feeling brand new and I jumped up
Feeling my highs, and my lows
In my soul, and my goals
Just to stop smokin, and stop drinkin
And I've been thinkin - I've got my reasons
Just to get by"
7mdulla 3ala il salama :), 3eed sucks! when did it stop bieng fun? i ddnt get any money... and am pretty sure i wont be -_-, kl 3am oO enta b5eer anyway ...
first off, 7amdillah 3ala salamat ur friend
oh oh oh yay i'm mentioned in your post aahh now i feel special. and yesss i do have a younger sis, and yes she does love football and yes she supports newcastle too BUT she's still older then you :P aaahh well. psssst btw u might want to marry someone who supports chelsea, helps avoid certain fights on whose team is better :|
ummm yeah yeah i know we're 17th and god damn pathetic BUT I LOVE 'EM :D
7mdillah 3ala salamat'ha,, SOCCER sux o0o will always SUCK wats the point of watching h ot guys kick around a ball the whole time,, its torture that u see them sweat o0o u know u cant have them o0o even more torture that u cant get ur eyes off them so i stay away:P
ive got that song o0o 2372837 more bas my laptop has no noise so i cant lstn to them finally that rma*9an is over o0o my ipod m3 someone :'( I NEED TO LSTN TO MUSIC PRONTO :'( HELLLLLLLLP
Number 6 : Hash problems ??? you're kidding right ??!!
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