Bella and Doomy's email.

And Monz email.
Ball's in your field boyo.
(for the confused and lost going WTF, check the comments on the last post)
MUSINGS : (as in "brooding") adj. : persistently or morbid thoughts; deep in contemplation. INSANE : (as in "insane") adj. : afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement. GUY : (as in "man") n. : an informal term for a youth or man.
check the last post, and the comments and ull get it
your welcome here anytime sweety. thanks for droppin by,
errrr.....well i just wanted to clear up some things for some unbelievers thats all
s ok. you're always welcome. anything u need just let me know mmk ?
thanx for the note heroine. done. as for the subject of our discussion, check the last post and its comments.
can you please get me out of this fight?! i really don't want to get involved in any way.
Problems isn't my thing & what i need right now.
Love you all.
insanity , grow up and get your facts straight before making any out rageous and reckless comment's althought i think you might have some ( if any ) mentall capacity you would have atleast known the history of the dot conflict before jumping the gun ...
dear..can i know wats the story!! i mean why are u attacking the guy and wat did he do to u!! three girls??!! that boy sure is some kinda pimp..or player!!
but nice blog :) me like :D
hehehe....nice dodge fedo. photoshop ? WOW. I couldn't have thought of that even if MY LIFE depended on it. btw I can't photoshop FOR SHIT.anyways i got my point out, deny all you want, but we both know the truth mmk ? and it's your word against mine, so well just let the bloggers decide about who's the lying asshole here.
Oh and I don't hate you man. I'm a pacifist. I don't hate nobody. I just dont appreciate being called a liar, so shall we drop all the finger pointing now that the truth's out ?
Nice to have had this lil flame war of ours, annnnd hopefully by now you're a full fledged fan of mine. Oh and the hate blog thingy ROCKS !! KEEP ON HATIN PPL !! .
anon : once again check the last post + comments.
Bissa: nobodys gettin u involved in summin u dont wanna be in sweety
Bored : I dont need to know what happened and i dont realy care. I just threw in my 2 cents is all. And i stand by what i said. Got a problem withat ?
getting offensive isnt a good reaction insanity and your "2 cents" arent some thing you should be throwing around so easily unless you want people to take you for an idiot which your exactly the opposite of .
im just saying shooting word in to the air like that will get you in to bad places with alot of people thats all man bas 3ala ra7tak .
any ways dude do what you will im just saying your smarter than that the rest is for you to decide
I don't really see myself as have gotten offensive at any time here bored, unlike you who just questioned my mental capacity. I also don't see any reason for you to be offended by what I said, seeing as I aimed my post at racists. Unless you are one, I see no reason for a highly intelligent and interesting individual such as yourself should be offended in any way by what i said. I don't care what happened between you, dot or anyone else, but there are some boundaries, with racist comments being one of them. I wrote my point of view, and anyone who doesn't like it can respectfully go fuck themselves. Thank for listening.
I am in no way involved in this fight, but I was with Mona when she opened the Email she got from fedo.
Fedo aren't you a little too old to be telling fibs?
Be a man. You sent the Emails! Admit it. It's not against the law to send Emails like that! It IS a little pathetic... But that's beside the point.
You did it. Own up to it.
Everyone knows you did it anyway.
im very sorry i wasnt commenting on this post apologies insane i meant your comment on the dot post
sorry dude for not clearing that up and also i not questioning your mental capacity
thanks for clearing it up dude i just was shocked tht you made a snap judgment about things .
"I know where you're house is" that's freaky :S
That fedo person sure is scary :'(
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